Thursday, October 2, 2008

Today is the day . . .

First of all, yesterday was the day when all of the social workers (all 5 of them) and James and I met together for what we referred to as the "BIG POWWOW"! It's when they tell you everything they can possibly think of ( I think they call it disclosure . . .) about the children. Well, nothing they could say could make us change our minds and there wasn't anything we hadn't known about already! At that point they are supposed to give us 24 hours to change our mind - the proverbial "cooling off period"? No 24 hour cooling off period for us!
I guess they had us figured out - so they suggested we meet the kids ASAP!

And that my friends is . . .TODAY! And that is why TODAY IS THE DAY!

We get to meet the kids at 1:00pm at Coldstone Creamery by our house, then across the street to the beach and playground on the sand . . .maybe a walk down the pier and then back to their foster home to meet their foster family.

WE CAN"T WAIT! Oh, no. . . there I go again with that waiting thing!


Nicole M said...

OH MY GOSH!!! I cant wait to see pictures of them. Wow!!! Congrats and have a great time today! I will be praying for you and James. And praising God for you guys too.

Diana said...

YAY! It's like labor, but without the pain!
No, no, like a planned c-section without the recovery...
I don't know, but it's exciting and it's good!
You better blog details!
So, so, SO happy for you!!!

side of fries said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Full details a must! I can't wait to hear all about it.