Monday, September 22, 2008

Like Mother - Like Daughter

This weekend James went up north to his annual "golfer guys" reunion. This is a trek that James started organizing and includes about 6-7 of the closest golf buddies from Santa Maria Country Club. They played on the high school and some of them on the college golf team together - so it is a fun weekend of golf, bbq's and old memories! I am so glad he gets to have this special time!

I, on the other hand, spent a lot of extra mother-daughter time with my mom. Since I have been helping James in the office (and didn't get the usual "teacher summer vacation") we haven't had as much time together as we usually do each summer!

We were talking about getting the kids and mom remarked that I was born so close to her birthday that she always thought of me as her birthday present. Well, I had just been thinking that myself . . . my birthday is next month and I all I want is my two children. Like mother - like daughter!

I told James that and he said that is all he wants for my birthday,too!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Yes . . . everything is still moving forward. It just takes so much time! Of course we would have gone to get the kids the day we were matched - but social workers have their own time table - and it is none to speedy.
It seems that the children's social worker has had a family emergency and so the scheduled meetings have been delayed until next week. After those meetings we will begin frequent visits with the kids over a two to four week period. Depending on how comfortable they are determines when they come home!
They have been told that we are planning to adopt them -
Justin asked if we knew they had a young adult sister to which the social worker said yes and that we looked forward to meeting her and having her be a part of our extended family. He responded with "Good, I've been worried about that - now I am ready to be adopted!". Andrea just wanted to know how many pets we had- as she is an animal lover! Both of them are excited about being adopted!
I am so happy and already love them! James has been carrying their picture around in his briefcase and keeps talking about all of the places we can take them.
We'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Waiting No More

For those of you who got a quick look at our blog from yesterday I did remove it temporarily.
Nothing has changed - but I may have blabbed more information than I was supposed to!
(So what's new . . .)
I will put that blog entry back up as soon as I get the go ahead from our social worker.
Until then keep us and our two little ones in your prayers, and know that your wait to see their pictures won't be that long - I promise!

Monday, September 8, 2008


Us at Legoland!
It seems like in life there a lot of waiting! Right now we are in a wait mode . . . and it is a hard place to be. It seems like waiting is the last thing we ever want to do from birth on.

Babies hate to wait for their bottles or to have their diaper changed...

Moms and Dads can't wait until their baby takes their first step or says their first word . . .

Later they can't wait for them to sit down and be quiet . . .

Toddlers can't wait for their toys . . .

Preschoolers can't wait for their turn on the swing . . .

Kindergarteners can't wait until they can read . . .

Kids can't wait for birthdays, Christmas and to spend the night at Grandma's . . .

Teenagers can't wait to drive, go to college, or get to vote . . .

Young adults can't wait to get their first big job and get married . . .

Then we can't wait to buy our first home and decorate it . . .

We can't wait to go to Europe and all the other vacations places we long for . . .

We can't wait for that nice luxury car . . .

We can't wait til the Angels are the World Series again . . .

Now here we are when others can't wait to have grandchildren and . . .

We can't wait to bring our kids home!

One of my good friends said that we should just enjoy right now because once we have children not only will our life never be the same but - it also will always be about them.

So . . . we are trying hard to take her good advice. Last weekend we got away to San Diego for a night to a very nice resort where we could behave like adults and what did we do? We decided it would be fun to check out Legoland. This weekend we went to Redondo Beach and Manhatten Beach and checked out the Redondo Beach Aquarium. I even checked on birthday parties there.

Tonight is our Monthiversary - that is the 8th of each month when we celebrate our marriage by going out to a very grown up restaurant, having wine and a nice dinner and maybe doing a grown up activity afterwards. It's my turn to pick the restaurant . . .hmmmm . . . should I pick Chuck E. Cheese or the McDonald's with a playland?

Lynn . . we are trying hard to take your advise - but I am sorry to say we are not doing such a hot job at it. We'll try harder tonight.