Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Five Months and Four Colds Later . . .

How can five months go so fast???  The summer flew by with a fabulous trip to Cancun in June, friends visiting from Colorado in July, and August in San Diego.  School came quicker than I could believe, but they were both ready for it.

This year Andrea started middle school and attends the same one Justin goes to.  She is also my little spy as my very handsome 7th grade son is quite the thing with the girls.  Now, all you men out there are thinking "Go, Justin!", while all the moms are thinking "Whoa, Justin!".  So like I said Andrea keeps track of things for me!!!   Anyway they both love school, their classes and teachers!

They are both in musical performing groups at school. Justin's group is the "Show Men" and Andrea is part of the girls group called "Show Time".  These groups take this singing and dancing very seriously and the groups compete all over the state.  They will be performing at Disneyland and Knotts Berry Farm, just to name a few of their performance venues.  So . . .this momma is off to dance lessons and singing lessons three afternoons after school, running to the dance store for jazz shoes, tap shoes, ballet schoes and who knew there are even shoes called character shoes -then on to trying on costumes, etc., etc., etc.  Whew . . . oh yeah and then there is homework. Justin is in all honors classes and Andrea is taking 7 periods of academics this year, and those teachers love to pile on the work, so we are not having regular bedtimes, which is why we probably all have colds!!!!!

More later . . .when we get over the sniffles!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

More Than Blessed

This morning as we pulled out of our driveway to go to school and work I looked back at our house.  I made the comment that we are blessed.  Justin retorted with "Mom we are more than blessed!  I can't think of the word for it - but we are!"
It made me think of all that we have - not just materially - that being the least of all! 
Justin is right - We are more than blessed!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Loves It!

Justin loves going to Middle School - maybe a little too much!   He's telling me about all of the cute girls that are helping him with his locker, hmmmmm . . .This mom is definitely not ready for this! 
Honestly, he loves going from class to class, he was placed in the "Fast Pace" classes - which means he will be super busy with school work and really be challenged (Yahoo!), and next year Andrea will join him there! 
This could be a good thing - as they love to "tell" on each other- so I'll always know what they are doing!!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

TODAY . . .

Today my Justin became a Middle Schooler . . .
Today Justin transitioned from the K-6 Elementary School to what use to be Jr. High . .
Today Justin got not one, but two lockers for the first time . . .
Today Justin dressed out for PE for the first time . . .
Today Justin goes to 6 different teachers for six different subjects . . .
Today was a tough day for his mom . .  and dad . . .
Today I saw lots of kids that MUST be tons older than my little boy . . .
Today I was not ready to see my little boy go off with an eighth grader to get the tour . .
Today I will pick him up this afternoon and pray that he had a great first day!

Monday, January 30, 2012

7 - 11 or Happy Birthday, Andrea!

No, not the name of the local convenience store, but the time span in which we have had Andrea. 

She came to us as a little 7 year old just beginning 2nd grade, wearing bows in her hair, still playing with dolls, coloring in coloring books, and watching Vegi-Tales! 

As of yesterday she is now 11 years old.  Gone are the days of hair bows, instead we went to beauty shop and had her hair straightened, her favorite toy is her IPod Touch, and her coloring books have been replaced by beautifully written-in journals and well . . .Vegi Tales DVDs have been replaced with movies such as Courageous and Joyful Noise. 

Yes, my baby girl is growing into quite a young woman -  just 4'2" when she came to us - she measured in last week at the Dr. office at 4'11and 3/4" - just a smidge under 5' tall! 

She is beautiful, articulate, compassionate, and has a real servant's heart!  (Last night, at her birthday party, she was feeding my little developmentally disabled brother ice cream cake, so that he didn't miss out on the dessert!)

It is a joy and a challenge everyday to see her grow up so quickly!  My only regret is that we did not get her sooner! Happy Birthday, Cupcake , , ,Sweet Pea . . .Cutie Pie . . . and all those other names you still let me call you!!!!