Saturday, March 15, 2008

More Changes

There are good changes and not so good changes. Changes you get . . . and those that take a while to figure out!

That has been my week - thus no blog until I could think it through.

This week my school announced that we will be merging with another Christian School in the same area. Now, practically speaking it makes perfect sense. Take two rather small Christian schools and put them together and what have you got - a great big school! Lots more opportunity for the school to provide auxillary classes and other activities. A chance to build a "state of the art" campus in just 2 years!

It also means packing up 20 years worth of teaching materials, storing or moving it, interviewing for a job there, etc., etc. Some of you might think that because we changed campuses just four years ago that I wouldn't have that much "stuff"!
Well, I do!

But . . .after thinking, praying, talking, considering,and just generally working it through my pea brain I've decided . . .not to worry about it!

My wonderful husband put that thought into my mind, which greatly reduced my stress! He's a smart man, too. He knows that when I'm stressed too much I head to the expensive spa for a massage and or facial! Believe me I am sure that my stress reduction is high on his priority list! Just kidding. Honestly you couldn't pay someone to be as supportive as he is! What a guy!

Just when you think you have your direction all figured out - you gotta make another turn!

1 comment:

Nicole M said...

OH you are telling me! Worry doesnt add a single thing to your life, so why do it? Thanks for the comfort.