Friday, March 28, 2008

All About Blogs!

Well, my sister, Linda has discovered the blogging world now, too! Since she has two of the world's cutest kids, hers will be lots of fun when she really gets going with it!

My cousin, Erin and her husband Bret have had me hooked for a couple of years now - especially since their baby Grant was born over a year ago. Erin's blogs are sweet and usually involve something to do with their precious Grant. Bret, however deserves the "Writer of the Year" award. His writing is clever along with a comedic quality that will make you laugh until your sides split! I can hardly stand it if there are too many days between his entries!

Then, as a result of their link I started reading a blog of a cousin who barely (if at all) knew I existed. I have so enjoyed getting to know him and his family through their blog, getting connected with his sister's blog now, and seeing relatives I haven't seen for many years. I got so involved in their blog that I even startled them with a comment - especially since they didn't know who I was!

My dear friend at work has a wonderful blog, about her love story with her hubby and her dog, her teaching, friends, and her side business selling adorable little girl's bows and vintage "stuff"! She is the one who most encouraged me to start a blog - especially since we are in the process of adopting our children.

And so it is now that my sister has a blog! Can't wait to see pics, sis!
Happy Birthday,too!

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