Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Meeting

Yesterday was a meeting with our social worker.

She's a cute, sweet "girl" who looks like she graduated from high school last week. Actually we guess she's about 25, and I'm sure that is in the ballpark.

Now, we already feel old enough becoming first time parents and then we have a social worker (whom we have put our future in the hands of) who is young enough to be our daughter. You would think when they received our application and noted our advanced ages that they would have assigned us the "old" social worker. You know . . . the one that is in her thirties.

I think it is a test of our character. Maybe they are trying to see if we have those nuturing parental skills which will be noted by how we treat our social worker.

Oh well, she was nice. She seemed to want to move us along quickly in the process. Maybe she wanted to be sure she placed children in plenty of time before they will have to start the inevitable search for a nursing home for their parents.

1 comment:

Nicole M said...

You are too much! They gave you the best, because they feel like you guys are the best home ever!