Friday, March 28, 2008

All About Blogs!

Well, my sister, Linda has discovered the blogging world now, too! Since she has two of the world's cutest kids, hers will be lots of fun when she really gets going with it!

My cousin, Erin and her husband Bret have had me hooked for a couple of years now - especially since their baby Grant was born over a year ago. Erin's blogs are sweet and usually involve something to do with their precious Grant. Bret, however deserves the "Writer of the Year" award. His writing is clever along with a comedic quality that will make you laugh until your sides split! I can hardly stand it if there are too many days between his entries!

Then, as a result of their link I started reading a blog of a cousin who barely (if at all) knew I existed. I have so enjoyed getting to know him and his family through their blog, getting connected with his sister's blog now, and seeing relatives I haven't seen for many years. I got so involved in their blog that I even startled them with a comment - especially since they didn't know who I was!

My dear friend at work has a wonderful blog, about her love story with her hubby and her dog, her teaching, friends, and her side business selling adorable little girl's bows and vintage "stuff"! She is the one who most encouraged me to start a blog - especially since we are in the process of adopting our children.

And so it is now that my sister has a blog! Can't wait to see pics, sis!
Happy Birthday,too!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Meeting

Yesterday was a meeting with our social worker.

She's a cute, sweet "girl" who looks like she graduated from high school last week. Actually we guess she's about 25, and I'm sure that is in the ballpark.

Now, we already feel old enough becoming first time parents and then we have a social worker (whom we have put our future in the hands of) who is young enough to be our daughter. You would think when they received our application and noted our advanced ages that they would have assigned us the "old" social worker. You know . . . the one that is in her thirties.

I think it is a test of our character. Maybe they are trying to see if we have those nuturing parental skills which will be noted by how we treat our social worker.

Oh well, she was nice. She seemed to want to move us along quickly in the process. Maybe she wanted to be sure she placed children in plenty of time before they will have to start the inevitable search for a nursing home for their parents.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

More Changes

There are good changes and not so good changes. Changes you get . . . and those that take a while to figure out!

That has been my week - thus no blog until I could think it through.

This week my school announced that we will be merging with another Christian School in the same area. Now, practically speaking it makes perfect sense. Take two rather small Christian schools and put them together and what have you got - a great big school! Lots more opportunity for the school to provide auxillary classes and other activities. A chance to build a "state of the art" campus in just 2 years!

It also means packing up 20 years worth of teaching materials, storing or moving it, interviewing for a job there, etc., etc. Some of you might think that because we changed campuses just four years ago that I wouldn't have that much "stuff"!
Well, I do!

But . . .after thinking, praying, talking, considering,and just generally working it through my pea brain I've decided . . .not to worry about it!

My wonderful husband put that thought into my mind, which greatly reduced my stress! He's a smart man, too. He knows that when I'm stressed too much I head to the expensive spa for a massage and or facial! Believe me I am sure that my stress reduction is high on his priority list! Just kidding. Honestly you couldn't pay someone to be as supportive as he is! What a guy!

Just when you think you have your direction all figured out - you gotta make another turn!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Call

James got a call from our social worker today! Was I excited!
Just one more meeting to check off in the adoption process. Classes to take, forms to fill out, medical exams, meetings, references - we are checking them off.
Someday . . . it will be THE CALL!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Game Night!

The first Saturday of each month we get together with our good friends, Cary and Shirley for dinner and games! Now these games have been anything from Yahtzee, Pictionary, Crazy Eights and many more! Most of the games are familiar and make sense. Well . . . last night we played a new game from one of those new imagination toy stores - as it turned out we really had to use our imagination to figure out how to make this game work, much less be uproariously fun as the cover advertised! We did end up laughing hysterically because four highly educated people couldn't even think of an answer most of the time. (Box cover advertised it for 8 years and up)!
All in all it was a great night - just because the dinner came out ok and our friends are always fun to be with.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Busy, Busy!

James has been putting in 12-16 hr days 7 days a week but each day he asks me about he status of our children. Now if this were a typical way of having children I might be able to give him a better answer (ie the baby moved, it kicked, the doctor said . . .), but . . . as it stands each day I reply the same way - you know about as much as I do!
I did talk to a social worker this week who said given that we want a sibling group ( 2 or more) and children over 4 years and don't care what race or nationality they are that we will go to the top of the list! Oh, goody - I think - we finally go to the top of some list!
Well all I can say is next time James asks me how our children are or what their status is I'll just reply the same way he did once to me - How are our children? I don't even know who our children are!