Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Happy Birthday, Justin!

When parents say time flies and they are grown up before you know it - I know what they mean.  Why it seems like only yesterday we brought him home (actually 21 months ago), and wasn't it only last month that he was 9 and in the third grade????????

Well here is what 11 means in our house -

He will begin 5th grade in September - which means he will be the BMOC (BIG MAN ON CAMPUS) as this is the last year in our elementary school before you go to the (dreaded by mom) MIDDLE SCHOOL!

In many restaurants he no longer qualifies for the kid's menu and moves on to the adult menu and at the amusement parks he is now an adult.  I'm never sure at what age  adulthood is defined - legally isn't 18?

And what did Justin ask for as a birthday gift?  Just more independence (I guess he is the victim of an overprotective mother), and a plethora of other gifts that kids of today want . . . a PSP, a WII, a DSI, a DVD . . .I guess everything is defined by just letters nowadays.  As for a parent from the dark ages . . .if I don't know what the letters stand for I don't buy it!

All that being said we wish the best son (the only one) the happiest 11th birthday ever!


side of fries said...

Happy Birthday, Justin! We hope you have a great day! Love all your cousins in Indiana!!

Nicole M said...

THank you for your kind words about my cousin. i miss you so much! i bet you are having a ton of fun being a mommy to your two little ones..well not so little anymore!! i hear a lunch date calling our names!