Monday, September 8, 2008


Us at Legoland!
It seems like in life there a lot of waiting! Right now we are in a wait mode . . . and it is a hard place to be. It seems like waiting is the last thing we ever want to do from birth on.

Babies hate to wait for their bottles or to have their diaper changed...

Moms and Dads can't wait until their baby takes their first step or says their first word . . .

Later they can't wait for them to sit down and be quiet . . .

Toddlers can't wait for their toys . . .

Preschoolers can't wait for their turn on the swing . . .

Kindergarteners can't wait until they can read . . .

Kids can't wait for birthdays, Christmas and to spend the night at Grandma's . . .

Teenagers can't wait to drive, go to college, or get to vote . . .

Young adults can't wait to get their first big job and get married . . .

Then we can't wait to buy our first home and decorate it . . .

We can't wait to go to Europe and all the other vacations places we long for . . .

We can't wait for that nice luxury car . . .

We can't wait til the Angels are the World Series again . . .

Now here we are when others can't wait to have grandchildren and . . .

We can't wait to bring our kids home!

One of my good friends said that we should just enjoy right now because once we have children not only will our life never be the same but - it also will always be about them.

So . . . we are trying hard to take her good advice. Last weekend we got away to San Diego for a night to a very nice resort where we could behave like adults and what did we do? We decided it would be fun to check out Legoland. This weekend we went to Redondo Beach and Manhatten Beach and checked out the Redondo Beach Aquarium. I even checked on birthday parties there.

Tonight is our Monthiversary - that is the 8th of each month when we celebrate our marriage by going out to a very grown up restaurant, having wine and a nice dinner and maybe doing a grown up activity afterwards. It's my turn to pick the restaurant . . .hmmmm . . . should I pick Chuck E. Cheese or the McDonald's with a playland?

Lynn . . we are trying hard to take your advise - but I am sorry to say we are not doing such a hot job at it. We'll try harder tonight.

1 comment:

Nicole M said...

You are soooo cute! I agree with the waiting thing. Its really hard to do. After you have waited and waited the end result is usually very fulfilling. You should make those cupcakes, just stick fruit on top and its looks healthy and super yummy