Friday, May 13, 2011


The house actually closed on April 18th - the last day of tax season! (Somebody has a sense of humor!)  It originally was suppose to close on the April Fool's Day, then got moved to the usual last day of tax season -April 15th and finally we signed all the papers and got the key on April 18th, after James had worked about 12 hours  that day and 50 12 -16 hr days in a row!  He was brain dead - so he was kind of unenthralled with the whole process of signing his name a couple hundred times that evening. I, on the other hand was ecstatic.  The kids went along and declared it simply the most boring thing they had ever done!

We actually spent the night there the following Friday - just so we could say we had slept there before we went on our vacation to Colorado.  The kids swam in the pool and we ate pizza - you can't possibly think I wanted to mess up my brand new Viking Kitchen.  That will come later when I can get out my Giada cookbooks and do something really stunning and YUMMY!

Upon returning from our great vacation to Avon - visiting with dear friends, swimming in the pool and playing in the snow - we began the process of moving over the "little" things.  What a blessing to have the time to leisurely move the "stuff" we could - before the movers come on Tuesday!  They will move the "big" stuff!  I will post pictures of our  new digs and our move. 

Yikes -there is still a ton of little stuff - did I say I could do this leisurely????


Diana said...

Can't wait to see the pics! Thanks for stopping by and commenting 2 DePriest Days. As the school year winds down it makes me miss Creekside and the days when the school year ending was at least a little sad... now the dread will come at the end of summer instead. :( Oh well, reading your blog reminds me of one of the good reasons our special little school had to end. Blessings!

side of fries said...

Hey you...

I wanted to touch base with you about your trip out here, but I realized in the move that the only contact info I had was your old address... not even a phone number, so I'll try here first. Since it looks like we will be baby-less for your visit, I thought it would be easier for us to come up to Chicago. Plus, there's lots to do with the kids. We'll be staying at a friend's condo while he is away on business, and it looks like it will be just the kids and me.

So, let's talk about this. Call me when you can or shoot me an email.

Fingers crossed that this will work!