Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Six Month Hiatus

Well, I guess I have taken a six month hiatus from our blog - it seems impossible that it has been that long and I have no excuse except the same one everyone else has - WE ARE CRAZY BUSY!!!!!

Highlights of the past six months . . .


We had a few birthday celebrations - my mom's, my sister-in-laws and mine

We as a new family had our "firsts" celebrations - the day we met the kids, the day we brought them home, their first day of school with us, my first birthday with the kids, the day they first met my mom and family . . .we celebrated them all!


We took our annual anniversary trip - but instead of a trip for the two of us to some exotic, foreign getaway - it was good old Williams, Arizona, to stay at the Grand Canyon Railway Hotel, go on the Polar Express, meet Santa at the North Pole, and visit the Grand Canyon the next day with my sister and her family. Thankfully the cousins get along fabulously - so that made it especially fun! I highly recommend this trip for those with children who would love to meet the real Santa. It was a great trip!

We also had another life changing event in our family during the month of November - our last name was legally changed from David to Davidson. The kids had been going by that name since last spring - so it wasn't as much of a big deal to them as it has been for James and me. I still can't remember who I am - maybe old age is setting in!

We made our yearly trek up to Santa Maria to James' sister and brother-in-laws home for Thanksgiving. As always Jack and Diana outdo themselves. It seems every year I remark that the dinner and the company are better than the year before. (No pressure guys for next year!) The kids love the visit and so do we!


We did all of the usual Christmas activities - guests over for holiday dinners, going out to see the lights, Christmas eve and Christmas Day at my mom's house, Christmas carols, Church Christmas program in which Justin and Andrea had very cute parts, etc., etcc Overall it was a great holiday season!


Back to school after a two week break, I was back to work in the office and busier than ever. All of the official name change activities are under way, and tax season has officially begun. Put those two things together and it is wonder I even have the sense to be able to jot down these few thoughts . . .

We started a marketing campaign, I have a new job title (Director of Client Administration), and we hired two new employees. James is trying to at last move into the 21st Century technologically, which may do him in. He is a very progressive person in many ways, but moving from paper to paperless is a real challenge for a 50 something CPA.


February continues to be super busy with client work, etc.

The kids looked forward to the visit from Cupid (kinda like when the Easter Bunny comes), we spent Valentine's evening with our friends for dinner. They also have a nine year old daughter - so the kids have a built in playmate!


James and I are glad that 5/7 of the tax season is over and we can look forward to normalcy in just a few weeks.

The weekends have been crazy with Dad having to work part of each one, Justin is in baseball now and has one game every Saturday ( and one game and a couple of practices during the week days), Andrea and I have been sorely in need of a girls weekend day out . . .but our boys have had such hectic schedules we haven't been able to. (Read: Andrea and I haven't had a pedicure for weeks!)

I have begun working remotely from home a few days a week. My job doesn't have to be done in the office, whereas the other employees can use the room at the office. It also allows me more time to get things done for the kids! A real balancing act!

Well, folks I think that about catches you up on the past six months. I'll try to do better and catch up with pics as soon as I get a new camera (the old one went kaput!)

1 comment:

side of fries said...

welcome back!!!! I miss the updates, so I love reading what your new family of four is up to! Now, you know what I'm going to say: give me a picture (or two)!!!