Friday, June 27, 2008

WOW . . . We're Getting There!

Thursday was our last of the ADOPTION interviews. As I told our adorable social worker - "It all seems so surreal!"!

We had our individual interviews and it seems that we are getting closer to the kids all the time. Tommorow we go to our last mandatory training class and as I have said a dozen times to others - if they made everyone go through what we have had to, there would be no unwanted children and lots of well trained parents in the world!

The classes really are great and we do have some wonderful people in them and fantastic trainers! We really are grateful for the opportunity.

Next we have to prepare a "Life Book" of James and myself. This is to include a wedding picture (which I dare anyone to think that is really me), current pics of us, family members, our home, their bedrooms, Tigger, our cat, Brodie, our bird, their school, the beach - you get the picture! For those of you "scrapbooking types" feel free to offer your advice.

Last, we have to have a meeting (read: party) of all those who are part of our friends and family who support us in this decision and also wish to support us when we need a sitter or just to listen when we start doubting our parenting skills!

After that, which should be in a couple of weeks, we are free to bring home the kiddos - whoever they might be!

So tonight we went to one of those neat kid's bedroom stores and bought our little boy a cool loft bed with drawers in the stairs, under the bed crawl space for playing in, shelves, and a desk - all in one piece. Every little boy's fun bed!

We have the bed for our little girl's room coming this weekend - white iron and brass princess bed! Every little girl's dream!

Oh . . . to be a kid again!


side of fries said...

I can't wait!!!!!!!! I'm dying here!!!

Diana said...

So exciting! Can't wait to read the news!