Saturday, February 23, 2008

Our Adoption Journey! A BIG YEAR OF CHANGE!

As hard as this is to believe, and after all of these years James and I have decided that it is the right time for us to start the adoption process. Actually it wasn't quite like that . . . way back in December we were approached about the possibility of adopting a set of twins - a boy and a girl - well... we got ourselves so excited, told all of our friends and family . . .only to find out that it wasn't going to be quite that quick or easy. By then were hooked on the idea and haven't looked back. We have begun enormous amount of paperwork, classes, etc. and have been told that we could have our children around July or August. Yes, you read it correctly I said children. We decided that if one was good why not two . . . or even three. Three is a long shot - but two . . . well I think that is a for sure. We just feel that we are so old and the kids really should have someone left to call family after we are gone - so two it is!
In order for us to get two, James has to move his office out of the house so that we can have the third bedroom. So right after tax season we will seriously be looking for office space where James can work in a quiet environment, and come home at regular times.
We have already begun thinking about how to decorate the rooms - well at least I have and what clothes, games and toys I will need to buy. Oh goody! More shopping!
Almost daily I go on line to look for our children and each day I see hundreds of children - two of which we will call our own someday and who will call us Mom and Dad - imagine that! Up til now only our cat - Tigger has had that priviledge!
Those of you who know us may notice that our blog is called The Davidson's - well that's another piece of our big news! We are also changing our last name from David to Davidson. David as a last name was always a problem for James growing up and it still is in business - so we decided to make this small change to the David name - so our whole family will get a new last name when the children come into our family! Cool, huh?
Many of our friends and family know about our big adventure and have been so wonderfully supportive! We are stunned!